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----  08年1月4日星期五晚上的英语角话题→新起点  (https://bbs.eoof.net:443/dispbbs.asp?boardid=2&id=138445)

--  作者:nbc2002
--  发布时间:2007/12/31 15:59:00
--  08年1月4日星期五晚上的英语角话题→新起点
A New Year; A New Beginning                                   01/04/08
resolution              improve         new life          opportunity           nervous 
the unknown         calendar        analyze          mature                  afraid            
1.  Do you make resolutions for the New Year?  Are there other times of the year to do this?
2.  What does the phrase “a new beginning” mean?  Do you think of January 1st as a new beginning?
3.  Sometimes people say, “ I want to start a new life.” Why would they say this?
4.  How do you feel when doing something for the first time? Why do you feel this way?
5.  Share an experience of a new beginning.
6.  Is it important for us to analyze ourselves regularly? Why would you do this?
7.  What are some things that stand in your way of making “new beginnings” in your life?
 地点:泉州新起点语言培训中心      费用:一人五元
(泉州市涂门街鲤城大厦408 肯德基对面,集集小镇楼上)

[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-31 16:01:54编辑过]

--  作者:nbc2002
--  发布时间:2008/1/2 19:58:00


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