-- 作者:tsantali
-- 发布时间:2008/11/11 11:31:00
-- [原创]俄罗斯克林姆林宫御用葡萄酒品尝交流
歷史: 持續35年, 莎塔里家族恢复在希臘聖山超過500年的俄羅斯修道院,並將俄羅斯僧侶賴以為生的葡萄種稙和釀酒技術重返現今社會, 現在瑪利莎得到俄羅斯政商界賞識,更榮獲國際多個獎項。
產地: 圍繞St. Panteleimon 修道院於海拔250M上。
土壤: 沙和黏土
下層土壤: 花崗石岩床上的物質變化,令深層土壤含豐富鈣質和充足濕度。
氣候: 天氣的條件近乎完美, 超過 2000 小時的晴天,小雨量(151mm) 和沿海的微風,在這氣候下帶給完美條件讓葡萄生長,理想葡萄質感和培養出優越色澤香味。
種類: 60%Cabernet Sauvignon和40%Limnio
收成: 在九月中, 用人手採摘及有機種植,並在獨特生態循環下成長,形成製造瑪利莎所用的Cabernet Sauvignon 和 Limnio有限。
釀製技術: 採用傳統聖山的釀酒技術, 要加上足夠氧氣令葡萄有濃厚香味和順滑。發酵後大概浸18天,接在橡木桶內進行乳酸菌發酵。再貯放在桶內20個月繼績成長
分類: Mount Athos 地區性葡萄酒
特性: 紫紅色,芳香的香味融合了紅莓果,香料和香子蘭(呢)醇厚的葡萄酒
最佳配餚: 配合牛扒,羊肋, 鴨等 配焦糖漿,果醬和芝士。
最佳儲貯/飲用: 18-20℃
7 May 2008 俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫就职典礼官方指定红酒
On the 7th of May 2008, a special Grand Ceremony was held in the Gold Throne Room of the Kremlin Palace to inaugurate the new Russian President Dmitry Anatolievich Medvedev, successor of former President Putin.
During the inauguration process the new President and his family sought the blessing of the Russian Patriarch Alexiy 2nd before taking on his new duties. The Patriarch Alexiy gave his blessing to President Medvedev and offered him an hagiography of Jesus Christ and 30 numbered bottles of Kormilitsa Gold by the Tsantali Family, originating from the Saint Panteleimon Monastery of the Mount Athos Vineyards.
Patriarch Alexiy 2nd personally offered the Kormilitsa Gold with the escalating number 1 to the new President, along with his blessing for a successful and prosperous incumbency. The Kormilitsa Gold bore a special dedication embossed in gold with the blessing of the Holy Mount Athos and the Patriarch Alexiy 2nd, to accompany the President Medvedev for the next years of his Presidency.
The choice of the Russian Patriarch to offer the Kormilitsa Gold on this special occasion follows the significant honor to the Tsantali Family to award the “Kormilitsa Selection” with the title of the “Official Purveyor of the Moscow Kremlin”.
The Tsantali Family’s “Kormilitsa” Selection is comprised of the Kormilitsa Red and White, Kormilitsa Kagor, the organic Kormilitsa Cellar and the President’s limited release organic Kormilitsa Gold.
[此贴子已经被作者于2008-11-16 13:28:52编辑过]