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--  作者:白雪公主
--  发布时间:2007/11/24 18:44:00
--  最经典英语绕口令

1. Where is the watch I put in my pocket to take to the shop because it had stopped?


2. Good cookies could be cooked by a good cook if a good cook could cook good cookies.

3. Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night.

4. Peter picked a peck of(大量的)pickled(腌菜) pepper(辣椒)prepared  by his parents and put them in a big paper plate.  彼得把他父母腌制的辣椒取出许多,并把他们放在一个大纸盘上。

5. Bill\'s big brother is building a beautiful building between two  big  brick(砖)blocks(大楼).

6. Jenny and Jimmy went to Jamaica and Germany in January.

7. There  are thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three feathers on that thrush\'s throat.

8. Father and mother went through thick and thin together, they now live a healthy and wealthy life.

9. She sells seashells on the shining seashore,and shells  she sells on the seashore are seashells I am sure. (她在阳光灿烂的沙滩上卖贝壳,我敢肯定她卖的贝壳是海贝.)

10. They treasure(珍重,珍视) their leisure with measureless pleasure.

11. Betty bought a bit of better butter, but said she, this butter is bitter, it’ll make my batter bitter.