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----  [转帖]用手机玩WOW 你有想过吗?  (https://bbs.eoof.net:443/dispbbs.asp?boardid=4&id=56812)

--  作者:lemon
--  发布时间:2006/10/10 11:11:00
--  [转帖]用手机玩WOW 你有想过吗?


  Hey guys. (for now, just pics……but tutorial will come later)

  I was waiting to post this for a long time, but never had time to compile a guide. Anyways, I have finally done it. I installed world of Warcraft on my Sony Ericsson cell phone. Model is w810.


  I am currently working to make it work on Motorlas (RAZR v3i and other motorolas and some Nokias.

  To actually play it, you would need unlimited data package from your cell phone provider. Otherwise the costs will be insane.

  I cant post tutorial now due to not having a video camera, but once i find my webcam, i will record it and show you the tutorial.

  我现在在尝试着将它能够在摩托罗拉的手机上工作(RAZR v3i和其他的摩托罗拉手机和一些诺基亚手机)。如果要玩,你必须保持你的手机的存储空间有足够大,换句话说存储空间的需求是无限的。我现在不能放出这个教程,因为我没有摄像机,不过一旦我得到一台摄像头,我想我会录制下整个过程的。

  IF YOU HAVE SONY ERICSSON W810 AND 2GB MEMORY CARD, THEN YOU ARE READY! Otherwise, you have to wait for tutorials for other models/brands.


  Few things to think before you do this:


  -Insane data charges if you dont have unlimited data package. -Can not play in subways or elevators or anywhere else where your cell phone does not work. - You are limited to only 10 skills (1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0 keypads)。

  However i think most chars don\'t need that many skills. -The speed is god because WoW doesn\'t require that much of a good conection. -You can not have macros. I know it sucks but you will have to do without macros. -And of course no big mods like CT_RA. Only tiny mods which dont require too much power. For example, titan bar = not too big mod……but raid assist is frigging huge. -You need a cell phone with at least 1.5GB of memory. Most cellphones dont have that much, but that\'s why there are memory cards. So obviously yourt phone needs to have memory card slot that can support up to 2GB memory (WoW itself takes 1.5GB of data on memory card……so you have 500MB for your cellphone needs like mp3/videos/pics/etc)

  -While you play WoW, you can not listen to MP3 player built in your phone. Nor you can take pictures. -Chatting is hard, but doable……because you have to use cellphone keypad text just like you type text message. -You CAN NOT change the toolbar icons. Or you can but i havent found a way to. For example, if you want Earth Shock on button 1, you can not change it to button 2 using your cellphone……u have to do it on your comp, and then it will get updated on ur cellphone once you log out. -QUALITY IS MUCH BETTER THAN ON THESE PICTURES. I have no other camera at the moment, so i have to use an old crappy cell phone camera to take picture of the main cell phone, and lightning is poor. But quality of the gameplay is much better due to nice quality LCD of Sony Ericssons










--  作者:lemon
--  发布时间:2006/10/10 12:26:00

谢谢 帮顶!!!

--  作者:lemon
--  发布时间:2006/10/10 12:37:00
哈哈 不告诉你!!!
--  作者:KG21
--  发布时间:2006/10/10 12:38:00
--  作者:CD-Pro小呗
--  发布时间:2006/10/10 12:43:00





--  作者:天下广告
--  发布时间:2006/10/10 13:36:00
--  作者:lemon
--  发布时间:2006/10/10 13:39:00

哈哈 不猛我不发!!!谢谢大家帮顶!!!


--  作者:繼續
--  发布时间:2006/10/10 13:41:00
--  作者:lemon
--  发布时间:2006/10/10 13:59:00

很多不可能 都慢慢的变成可能 从古至今都是这样 所以没有什么是不可能!!!


--  作者:lemon
--  发布时间:2006/10/10 15:44:00

转贴 并非本人所写...


--  作者:包包神龙
--  发布时间:2006/10/10 16:09:00
--  作者:lemon
--  发布时间:2006/10/10 18:43:00


--  作者:kuxiaobei
--  发布时间:2006/10/10 18:47:00

--  作者:paladin
--  发布时间:2006/10/10 18:55:00