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3M DVD 故事片目录 每碟6元  发帖心情 发表于:2007/8/25 17:01:00 [显示全部帖子]

3M DVD 故事片目录每碟6元  
0001 新桥恋人 Amants du Pont-Neuf, Les
0002 男人百分百 What Women Want
0004 触不到的恋人(韩版) Siworae
0006 最终幻想7 Final fantasy:the spirits within 7       
0007 科特斯旅馆 El Cortez
0009 丛林噩梦 Turistas
0010 迷失东京 Lost in Translation
0011 电锯惊魂3 Saw III
0012 拜金女孩 material girls
0014 烟花 Uchiage hanabi, shita kara Miruka? Yoko kara Miruka?
0019 无间道1 Infernal Affairs
0020 无间道2 Infernal Affairs 2
0021 无间道3 Infernal Affairs 3
0022 雪莉宝贝 SherryBaby
0024 避风港 Haven
0029 成年式/成年礼 Quinceanera
0030 的士速递2 Taxi 2
0032 性变态 Psychopatgia Sexualis
0033 暗夜旅程 Journey to the End of the Night
0034 杀了你的宝贝 Kill.Your.Darlings
0035 美丽人生 Life Is Beautiful
0036 查理巧克力工厂 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
0037 8厘米 8MM
0039 老兵 The Veteran
0040 蠢蛋进化伦 Idiocracy
0042 回到未来2 Back to the Future part 2
0044 寂静杀机 The quiet
0045 加勒比海盗 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
0046 新娘百分百/诺丁山 Notting Hill
0047 夺宝奇兵 Raiders of the Lost Ark
0048 魔域奇兵 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
0049 圣战骑兵 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
0050 的士司机 Taxi Driver
0051 AV20年史 
0052 左边床右边床2 2 lados de la cama, Los
0053 娼妓2 Whore 2
0054 阿育王 Asoka
0055 木乃伊传说/神鬼传奇/盗墓迷城 The Mummy
0056 狼的诱惑 Neukdaeui yuhok
0057 的士速递 Taxi
0058 谍影重重2 The Bourne Supremacy
0059 桂河大桥 The Bridge on the River Kwai
0061 碧海蓝天 The big blue
0062 透明人 Hollow Man
0063 幽灵公主 Mononoke-hime
0064 超人归来 Superman Returns
0065 生死时速1 Speed
0066 生死时速2 Speed 2
0071 魔鬼代言人 The Devil's Advocate
0075 茜茜公主3(皇后的命运) Sissi - Schicksalsjahre einer Kaiserin
0077 人工智能 Artificial Intelligence: AI
0090 猎鹿人 The Deer Hunter
0091 我的超人女友 My Super Ex-Girlfriend
0092 小姐与流氓2 Lady and the Tramp2
0093 黑客帝国 The Matrix
0094 蝴蝶效应2 The Butterfly Effect 2
0095 速度与激情1 The Fast and the Furious
0096 速度与激情2 The Fast and the Furious  2
0097 铁达尼号 Titanic
0098 小姐与流氓 Lady and the Tramp
0099 教父1 The Godfather
0100 教父2 The Godfather: Part II
01000 王牌对王牌 The Negotiator
01001 狼族盟约 Brotherhood of the Wolf
0101 教父3 The Godfather: Part III
0105 猫的报恩 Neko no ongaeshi
0106 爱的踪迹 Traces of Love
0107 战地飞鸿 KARLAUA
0110 爱上高飞狗 Everybody Loves Goofy
0111 茜茜公主2(年轻的皇后) Sissi - Die junge Kaiserin
0112 第六感生死缘 Meet Joe Black
0113 7秒钟 7 Seconds
0115 黑客帝国3 The Matrix Revolutions
0116 谍中谍2 Mission: Impossible2
0119 谍中谍1 Mission: Impossible
0120 谍中谍3 Mission: Impossible III
0123 美丽的大脚 Pretty Big Feet
0125 时尚女魔头 The Devil Wears Prada
0126 大话西游之月光宝盒 A Chinese Odyssey
0128 幽冥怪谈1-2 Bordello of Blood 1-2
0129 东 dong
0130 好莱坞庄园 Hollywoodland
0133 泰山 Tarzan
0135 天堂电影院 Nuovo cinema Paradiso
0138 红一纵队 The Big Red One
0139 绝密飞行 Stealth
0140 猫狗大战 Cats And Dogs
0141 虎虎虎 Tora! Tora! Tora!
0142 落跑新娘 Runaway Bride
0143 电子情书 Youve Got Mail
0144 平成狸合战 Heisei tanuki gassen pompoko
0145 四月物语 April Story
0146 太阳泪 Tears of the Sun
0147 超能塞豆隆 Baby's Day Out
0148 燕尾蝶 Swallowtail
0149 风之谷 Kaze no tani no Naushika
0150 海底总动员 Finding Nemo
0151 ET外星人 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
0153 浪人 Ronin
0154 王牌对王牌2 The Negotiator  2
0156 芝加哥 Chicago
0157 空中危机 Flightplan
0158 小倩 Xiao Qian
0159 罪恶之城 Sin City
0161 死神来了3 Final Destination 3
0162 鬼汤 Ghost Soup
0163 死神来了1 Final Destination
0164 死神来了2 Final Destination 2
0165 深入敌后1 Behind Enemy Lines
0166 望乡 Sandakan hachibanshokan bohkyo
0167 X战警 X-Man
0168 石破天惊 The Rock
0169 芭比公主之真假公主 Barbie as the Princess and the Pauper
0170 芭比公主之长发公主 Barbie as Rapunzel
0171 X战警3 X-Man 3
0173 芭比和十二个跳舞公主 BarbieIn.The.12.Dancing.Princesses
0174 芭比公主之天鹅湖 Barbie of Swan Lake
0175 这个杀手不太冷 Leon
0176 偷拍 Hidden  
0177 历劫俏佳人 Touch of Evil
0178 玩具总动员1 Toy Story
0179 恐怖电影4 Scary Movie 4
0180 王的男人 Wang-ui namja
0181 钢琴教师 Pianiste, La
0182 蠢货1 Jackass: the movie
0183 伟大的家谱 Righteous Ties
0188 花木兰2 Mulan II
0189 我和爸爸 My father and I
0190 公主日记2 The Princess Diaries 2
0191 我们的幸福时光 Maundy Thursday/Our Happy Time
0192 岁月童话 Omohide poro poro
0193 假如爱有天意 The Classic
0194 星球大战1魅影危机 Star Wars:Episode 1:The Phantom Menace
0195 星球大战2(克隆人大战) Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back
0196 星球大战3(西斯的复仇) Star Wars - Return of the Jedi
0197 星球大战4新希望 Star Wars: Episode IV -A New Hope
0198 星球大战5帝国反击战 Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
0199 星球大战6武士复仇 Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
0200 保镖 The Bodyguards
0201 笑死人凶间 Shaun of the Dead
0202 缘份的天空/西雅图不眠夜 Being John Malkovich
0203 黑鹰计划 Black Hawk Down
0205 花木兰1 Hua Mulan
0206 家族荣誉3 Marrying the Mafia III
0207 灭门惨案之孽杀 Daughter of Darkness
0208 千与千寻 Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi
0209 大逃杀2 Batoru rowaiaru II: Rekuiemu
0210 海涛之声 Umi ga Kikoeru
0211 魔女宅急便 Majo no takkyûbin
0212 野战排 Platoon
0214 虎胆龙威2 Die Hard 2
0215 虎胆龙威3 Die Hard: With a Vengeance
0216 大逃杀 Batoru rowaiaru
0217 暗房 The Dark Room
0219 生死倒计时 Lichniy nomer
0220 熊的传说 Brother Bear
0221 最终幻想1 Final fantasy:the spirits within    
0222 爱你九周半 Nine 1/2 Weeks
0223 刀锋战士 Blade
0224 七宗罪 Se7en
0225 广播明星 Radio Star
0227 走出非洲 Out Of Africa
0230 梦精记1 Mongjunggi
0231 梦精记2 Mongjunggi 2
0232 冷山 Cold Mountain
0233 唐人街 Chinatown
0234 海岸线 Hae anseon
0235 你他妈的也一样 Y tu mamá también
0236 猫鼠游戏 Catch Me If You Can
0237 杀死比尔1 Kill Bill: Volume 1
0238 杀死比尔2 Kill Bill 2
0239 珠光宝气 Zhu guang bao qi
0240 大不列颠之战 La.Bataille.D’Angleterre
0241 生化战士1 Bionicle: Mask of Light 1
0242 生化战士2 Bionicle 2: Legends of Metru-Nui
0243 篱笆墙外 Over the Hedge
0244 狮子王1 The Lion King
0245 爆破 BLOWN AWAY
0247 最终武器彼女 Saishû heiki kanojo
0249 低俗小说 Pulp Fiction
0250 马达加斯加 Madagascar
0251 狂野大自然2 Madagascar  2
0252 刺激1995 The Shawshank Redemption
0253 水银蒸发令 Mercury Rising
0254 失控陪审团 Runaway Jury
0255 特洛伊 Troy
0257 美国丽人 American Beauty
0259 女王 the queen
0260 浮宫魅影 Without a Paddle
0263 诡丝 Guisi
0264 变相怪杰2 Son of the Mask
0265 刀锋战士3 Blade: Trinity
0266 风中奇缘2 Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World
0267 放牛班的春天 Choristes, Les
0270 惊涛大冒险 The Guardian
0271 壮志凌云 Top Gun
0273 亡命夺宝 Rat Race
0274 暗渡陈仓 Corniaud, Le
0275 熊的传说2 Brother Bear 2
0276 百万美元宝贝 Million Dollar Baby
0278 墨西哥往事 Once Upon a Time in Mexico
0279 罗曼史(韩版) Romance
0280 世界大战 War of the Worlds
0281 隔壁的山田君 The Year of the Yao
0282 小熊维尼故事书:温馨的百亩森林 Winnie the Pooh: Springtime with Roo
0283 孟子 Men zi
0284 逃出魔幻记 Jumanji
0285 逃出魔幻记2 Jumanji 2
0286 怪物(韩) the host
0287 别惹蚂蚁 The Ant Bully
0288 风中奇缘 Pocahontas
0289 发条橙 A Clockwork Orange
0290 色即是空 Saekjeuk shigong
0291 国家宝藏 National Treasure
0292 美国派1 American Pie
0293 美国派2 American Pie2
0294 美国派3 American Pie 3
0295 美国派4 American Pie 4
0296 美国派5 American Pie 5
0297 黑社会2 Election 2
0298 虫虫特工队 A Bug's Life
0300 夜访吸血鬼 Interview With the Vampire
0301 小熊维尼之长鼻怪大冒险 Pooh's Heffalump Movie
0302 第一滴血1 First Blood
0303 第一滴血2 Rambo: First Blood Part II
0304 第一滴血3 Rambo III
0305 丛林大反攻 Open Season
0306 阿拉丁1 Aladdin
0307 阿拉丁之贾方复仇记 The Return of Jafar
0308 阿拉丁之阿拉丁和大盗之王 Aladdin and the King of Thieves
0309 爱国者 The Patriot
0310 101斑点狗2 101 Dalmatians II: Patch's London Adventure
0311 102斑点狗 Dalmatians
0314 夺命狂呼2 Scream2
0316 一家之鼠1 Stuart Little
0317 艾丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland
0318 一家之鼠2 Stuart Little2
0319 冬荫功 Tom yum goong
0320 XXX1 xXx
0321 XXX2 xXx2:State of the Union
0322 异形大战铁血战士 Aliens.vs.Predator
0327 爆破2 Proriv
0329 X战警2 X-men2
0330 侏罗纪公园1 Jurassic Park
0331 侏罗纪公园2 The Lost World: Jurassic Park
0332 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park III
0334 佐罗 Zorro
0336 星际宝贝1 Lilo & Stitch
0337 星际宝贝2 Lilo & Stitch2
0338 哈利波特3:与阿兹卡斑的囚徒 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
0339 绝命谎言 Rx
0340 在世界中心呼唤爱 Sekai no ch?shin de, ai wo sakebu
0341 老男孩 Old Boy
0342 哈利波特2与密室 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
0343 哈利波特1与魔法石 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
0345 花之蛇2 Hana to hebi 2: Pari/Shizuko
0346 2001太空漫游 2001:Space Odyssey
0347 古墓丽影1 Tomb Raider
0348 古墓丽影2 Tomb Raider 2
0349 少数派报告 Minority Report
0351 恐怖电影1 Scary Movie
0352 恐怖电影2 Scary Movie 2
0353 恐怖电影3 Scary Movie 3
0354 深入敌后2 Behind Enemy Lines: Axis of Evil
0356 电话亭 Phone Booth
0357 的士速递3 Taxi 3
0358 异教徒 The Wicker Man
0362 荒岛余生 Cast Away
0364 突然有一天之黑暗森林 Dark Forest - 4 Horror Tales
0366 角斗士 Gladiator
0367 烽火激战1967 Postline
0368 茜茜公主1 Sissi
0369 美国版咒怨2 The Grudge 2
0370 风暴之门 The Storm Gate
0371 廊桥遗梦 The Bridges of Madison County
0372 十七岁单车 Beijing Bicycle
0373 幻想曲 Fantasia
0374 幻想曲2000 Fantasia/2000
0376 异形2 Aliens
0379 非常人贩1 The Transporter
0380 零下八度 Eight Below
0381 德国天体1-3 
0382 德国天体4-5 
0385 轰天炮1 Lethal Weapon
0386 轰天炮2 Lethal Weapon 2
0387 轰天炮3 Lethal Weapon 3
0388 太阳帝国 Empire of the Sun
0389 西区故事 West story
0390 海上钢琴师 Leggenda del pianista sull'oceano
0393 启示 Apocalypto
0394 夜空 night skies
0395 揭竿而起 Catch a Fire
0397 蠢蛋搞怪秀2 Jackass: Number Two/Jackass2
0398 生化危机 Resident Evil
0399 生化危机2 Resident Evil: Apocalypse
0400 辛德勒名单 Schindler's List
0401 上帝也疯狂1 The Gods Must Be Crazy
0402 上帝也疯狂2 The Gods Must Be Crazy II
0403 第七封印 The Seventh Seal
0404 那山那人那狗 Postmen.In.The.Mountains
0405 东成西就 Sediu yinghung tsun tsi dung sing sai tsau
0406 非常人贩2 Transporter 2
0407 魔戒1 The Legacy
0408 魔戒2 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
0409 魔戒3 The Return of the King
0412 娼 Downfall
0413 欧州任我行 Eurotrip
0418 百万小宝贝 Millions
0419 帝国毁灭(2D5) Untergang, Der
0421 课长王子(双) Kachoohji
0422 维拉克雷克 
0423 超人特工队 The Incredibles
0424 歌剧魅影 The Phantom of the Opera
0425 青木瓜之味 Mui du du xanh
0426 死亡暴动 SHADOW
0427 绝世好妻 My Wife Can Fight
0430 孔子 kon zi
0431 孙子1 sun zi 1
0432 孙子2 sun zi 2
0433 孙子3 sun zi 3
0434 孙子4 sun zi 4
0435 声名狼藉 Infamous
0436 博物馆惊魂夜 Night At The Museum
0437 新金瓶梅(4D5) 
0439 美女艳舞3-4 
0440 礼物 Sun Mool
0441 噱头大王 School for Scoundrels
0442 十只独木舟 Ten Canoes
0443 科学睡眠 Science des rêves, La
0444 系统震撼 Shock to the System, A
0445 十六街区 16 Blocks
0447 芭比公主与胡桃夹子的梦幻之旅 Barbie in the Nutcracker
0450 不朽真情 Immortal Beloved
0451 生化战士3 Bionicle 3: Web of Shadows
0452 玩命记忆 Unknown
0453 醉画仙 Chihwaseon
0457 蓝宇 Lan yu
0459 阳光小美女 Little Miss Sunshine
0460 天使爱美丽 Amelie
0461 拯救大兵雷恩 Saving Private Ryan
0462 父辈的旗帜 Flags of Our Fathers
0463 无间行者(美版无间道) The Departed
0464 哈尔的移动城堡 Hauru no ugoku shiro
0465 汽车总动员 Cars
0466 日本沉没(2006) Nihon chinbotsu(20060
0469 爱情的尽头 The End of the Affair
0472 心慌芳 零 Cube Zero
0475 点虫虫 Microcosmos: Le peuple de l'herbe
0476 梦旅人 Picnic
0477 式日 Shiki-Jitsu
0478 英国广告杂志 SHOTS
0479 情陷撒哈拉 The.Sheltering.Sky
0481 空战英豪 Flyboys
0485 虎胆龙威 Die Hard
0486 战火中永生 Kippur
0487 美色俘虏 
0489 疯狂的石头 Fengkuang de shitou
0490 加勒比海盗2 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
0491 玉蒲团 Sex and Zen
0492 玉蒲团2 Sex and Zen 2
0493 玉蒲团3 Sex and Zen 3
0494 朝河兰1-2 AsakawaRan 1-2
0497 罗曼史(法) Romance
0501 爱上米奇 Everybody Loves Mickey
0503 花花公子媒体女郎1 
0504 花花公子媒体女郎2 
0505 神鬼传奇2 The Mummy Returns
0507 突然某一天之D-DAY Roommates
0510 一家之鼠3 Stuart Little 3
05111 纳尼亚传奇 The Chronicles of Narnia
0512 西伯利亚理发师 The Barber Of Siberia
0513 黑客帝国2 The Matrix Reloaded
0514 黑色大丽花 the black dahlia
0515 2007花花公子电视女郎 
0520 钢琴课 The Piano
0521 爱上唐老鸭 Everybody Loves Donald
0522 性谎言录像带 Protege de la Rose Noire
0523 魔王 The Ogre
0524 性爱禁区 Destricted
0525 天地英雄 Tian di ying xiong
0526 尼罗河上的惨案 Death on the Nile
0527 死亡诗社(春风化雨) Dead Poets Society
0528 帝企鹅日记 March of the Penguins
0529 阳光灿烂的日子 In The heart Of The Sun
0530 耶稣受难记 The Passion of the Christ
0531 千里走单骑 Qian li zou dan qi
0532 太极旗飘扬 Taegukgi hwinalrimyeo
0534 野芦苇 Roseaux sauvages, Les
0535 禅说2 Chan Shuo 2
0536 禅说3 Chan Shuo 3
0537 孟子3 Men zi 3
0538 孟子2 Men zi 2
0539 龙猫 Tonari no Totoro
0546 烽火爆2 Firestorm Last Stand At Yellowstone
0549 放下屠刀 A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints
0550 后天再临 silent world
0551 007大战皇家赌场 Casino Royale
0554 沙滩美女秀 
0558 阿尔法狗 Alpha Dog
0559 黄金甲 Man cheng jin dai huang jin jia
0560 鼠国流浪记 Flushed Away
0561 龙骑士(第二版) ERAGON
0564 色即是空2 Masitneun sex geurigo sarang
0565 伴郎团 the groomsmen
0566 爆乳巨乳美乳 
0567 柏林1948 Airlift(2 Disc)
0568 面对巨人 Facing The Giants
0569 误入歧途 Final Contract: Death on Delivery
0570 午夜听众 The Night Listener
0572 国王班底 All the King's men
0573 超级武器 Striking Range
0575 美国武器  American Gun
0576 撒旦魔王 Sheitan
0577 战争弥撒曲 Baruto No Gakuen
0578 好警察、坏警察 
0579 攻壳机动队3 STAND ALONE COMPLEX Solid State Society
0580 宝莱坞超人 KRRISH
0583 惹鬼回路 Pulse
0586 炸虫总动员 How To Eat Fried Worms
0588 影片未分级  This Film Is Not Yet Rated 
0589 防筑传说 Riverbank Legends
0590 红眼航班 Red Eye
0591 佣兵传奇 Alatriste
0592 圣诞夜惊魂 The Nightmare Before Christmas
0596 天煞地球反击战 Independence Day
0597 天生杀人狂 Natural Born Killers
0598 爱的捆绑 Undo
0599 爱的色放 Summertime
0600 芭比公主与飞马魔法 Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus 3-D
0601 芭比公主之梦幻仙境 Barbie: Fairytopia
0602 拳霸 Ong-bak
0603 上帝之城 City of God
0604 大提琴手 Sero hiki no Gôshu
0605 公主日记1 Princess Diaries
0606 谍影重重1 The Bourne Identity
0607 芭比之奇幻日记 The Barbie Diaries
0608 谁和她睡觉了 Who Spleeped With Her?
0609 钢琴战曲 The Pianist
0610 加菲猫1 Garfield
0611 娜娜 NANA
0612 芭比公主之拯救仙境(之美人鱼) Barbie FairyTopia Mermaidia
0613 波拉特 Borat
0614 007皇家赌场(第二版) Casino Royale
0615 冰河世纪1 Ice Age
0616 冰河世纪2 Ice Age2
0620 红 Trois Couleurs Rouge
0621 蓝 Trois couleurs Bleu
0622 白 Trzy kolory Bialy
0623 绝代艳后 Marie-Antoinette
0625 当幸福来敲门 The Pursuit of Happyness
0626 老千 Tajja
0627 狮子王2 The Lion King2
0629 与狼共舞 Wolves at Our Door
0630 音乐之声 Music Radio
0633 美女与野兽1 Beauty and the Beast
0634 美女与野兽2 Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas
0635 浓血巧克力 Blood and Chocolate
0636 快乐大脚 Happyfeet
0637 五路追杀令 Smokin' Aces
0638 极速60秒 Gone in Sixty Seconds
0639 玛戈皇后 Reine Margot, La
0643 偷拐抢骗 Snatch
0644 僵尸新娘 Corpse Bride
0645 大敌当前 Enemy at the Gates
0646 关于莉莉周的一切 All About Lily Chou Chou
0647 绿巨人 The Hulk
0649 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump
0651 广岛之恋 Hiroshima mon amour
0652 狮子王3 The Lion King 1 1/2
0653 暴力冲击 Harsh Times
0654 铁道凶铃 Ghost Train
0655 2007挑战者 Highlander
0656 跳跳虎 The Tigger Movie
0658 宾虚 Ben-Hur
0659 太阳王子 Taiyo no oji: Horusu no daiboken
0660 亚历山大帝 Alexander
0661 庄子(上下) Zhuang Zi
0662 未来战士3 Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
0663 蝴蝶效应 The Butterfly Effect
0664 未来战士2 Terminator 2: Judgment Day
0665 小美人鱼 The Little Mermaid
0666 西西里的美丽传说 Malèna
0667 禅说 Chan Shuo
0670 老子 Lao Zi Shuo
0671 熊猫家族 Panda kopanda
0672 再见萤火虫 Grave of the Fire flies
0673 正义先锋2 TITLE the dukes of hazzard:the beginning
0674 血钻石 Blood Diamond
0676 耶稣诞生 The Nativity Story
0677 零点莫斯科 MOSCOW ZERO
0678 洛奇6 Rocky Balboa
0680 旋风特务 Stormbreaker
0681 怒火攻心 Crank
0682 泰山与珍妮 Tarzan & Jane
0683 救命 KOMA
0684 成人仪式 Supervoksen
0685 惊惧黑书 Zwartboek
0686 少年汉尼拔 Hannibal Rising
0687 洛奇1-5 Rocky1-5
0688 欧洲机动战线(双) 
0689 幻影车神2 Dhoom 2
0690 性爱巴士 Shortbus
0691 留级之王2 Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj
0692 喀布尔快递 Kabul Express
0693 奥斯卡75年最佳短片集 75th Annual Academy Awards Short Films
0694 英国广告杂志2 SHOTS 2
0695 英国广告杂志3 SHOTS 3
0696 英国广告杂志4 SHOTS 4
0698 乱战:混乱作战 Chaos
0699 绝望真相 An Inconvenient Truth
0700 独自等待 Waiting Alone
0702 野兽侦缉档案双D5 animal crime scene
0703 毁灭天使 Anges exterminateurs, Les
0704 爱杀蝴蝶梦 Suburban Mayhem
0705 戈雅之灵 Goya's Ghosts
0706 特务风云 The Good Shepherd
0707 夏洛特的网 Charlotte's Web
0708 费城故事 Philadelphia
0709 情战弗兰德 Flandres
0710 我老婆是大佬1 My Wife is a Gangster1
0711 我老婆是大佬2 My Wife is a Gangster2
0712 偷妻 Mua he chieu thang dung
0714 情人 The Lover
0716 最后的哨兵 The Last Sentinel
0717 海猿3 LIMIT OF LOVE
0719 人体雕像 taxidermie
0720 五星级谋杀 Bobby
0721 莫扎特 Amadeus
0725 新女生惊魂记 Black Mas
0728 仙境之桥 Bridge to Terabithia
0731 芭比娃娃梦幻仙境之魔法彩虹 Barbie Fairytopia:Magic Of The Rainbow
0732 拳王阿里 Ali
0733 七武士 Shichinin no samurai
0735 四大天王 The Heavenly Kings
0737 喜玛拉雅 Himalaya - l'enfance d'un chef
0739 英国广告杂志5 SHOTS 5
0740 啊,海军 Aa, kaigun
0741 笔仙 Bunshinsaba
0742 虎口脱险 Grande vadrouille, La
0744 恶灵骑士 Ghost Rider
0745 我老婆是大佬3 Jopog manura 3
0746 邻家女孩 Tatchi
0747 风流医生俏护士 M*A*S*H
0748 漂流欲室 Seom
0749 榴莲飘飘 Liulian piao piao
0750 大腕 Da wan
0751 留住最后一支舞 Save the last dance
0756 集体回忆张国荣(双D5) Leslie Cheung
0757 邪恶新世界 Happily N'Ever After
0758 王后秘史 The King Maker
0759 美女也烦恼 Beautiful Girl 
0760 白雪公主 Snow White
0761 怪物公司 Monsters, Inc.
0763 黄昏三镖客 Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il
0764 女人香 Scent of a Woman
0765 撕裂的末日 Equilibrium
0766 天国王朝 Kingdom of Heaven
0768 象人 The Elephant Man
0770 穆赫兰道 Mulholland Drive
0771 本能2 Basic Instinct2
0772 鲁宾逊漂流记 Robinson's Crusoe
0773 巴顿将军 Patton
0776 我与拿破仑 Io e Napoleone
0777 珍珠港 Pearl Harbor
0780 人间兵器 Paragraph 78
0781 拳霸3之火运盗 ONG-BAK3
0782 中央车站 Central Station
0783 后革命时代 Post Revolutionary Era
0784 2003年度广告饕餮之夜1-4 The Night of the Adeaters 1-4 2003
0788 黑名单上的人1-4 Otpisani
0789 雷玛根大桥 The Bridge at Remagen
0790 关于母亲的一切 Todo sobre mi madre
0792 十二罗汉 Ocean's Twelve
0793 云中漫步 A Walk in the Clouds
0794 武士 
0795 龙卷风暴 Tornado (Germany Film)
0796 北海巨妖 Kraken:Tentacles Of The Deep
0797 超市总动员 10 ltems or less
0798 末代独裁 The Last King of Scotland
0799 丑闻笔记 Notes on a Scandal
0800 新基督山伯爵 The Count of Monte Cristo
0801 汉尼拔 Hannibal
0802 罗马假日 Roman Holiday
0804 沼泽凶灵 TITLE The Marsh
0805 BBC光旅历程 Light Fantastic
0806 反斗敢死队 Unaccompanied Minors
0807 代号杀手 Code Name: The Cleane
0808 时空线索 Deja Vu
0809 大象 Elephant
0810 的士速逮4 Taxi 4
0811 死亡契约 The Contract
0812 菊豆 Ju Dou
0813 英国广告杂志6 SHOTS 6
0814 英国广告杂志7 SHOTS 7
0815 午前十分钟 Ten Till Noon
0817 12猴子 Twelve Monkeys
0818 美人泉1-3 
0819 现代启示录 Apocalypse Now
0820 撞车 Crash
0821 2002年度广告饕餮之夜1-4 The Night of the Adeaters 1-4 2002
0822 2004年度广告饕餮之夜1-4 The Night of the Adeaters 1-4 2004
0823 魔鬼交锋 .45
0824 麻婆岛2 Mapado.2
0825 决战死亡线 Until Death
0826 三轮车夫 Cyclo
0828 缘起烽火蔓延时 Beyond Borders
0831 真假毒枭闯狱门 The Death And Life Of Bo
0832 猜谜杀手 Thr3e
0833 U记扫毒组 Uro
0834 青春泉 The Fountain
0835 地狱魔姬 Succubus Hell Bent
0836 世界著名导演精彩广告集(上下) King of ads
0838 幽灵终结者2007 The Hitcher
0839 死亡日记 death note
0840 死亡笔记2 death note2
0843 屠杀夜 Sl8n8
0844 楚门的世界 the truman show
0846 梦幻女郎 Dreamgirls
0847 万诱宝鉴 Kama Sutra: A Tale of Love
0854 身为人母 TITLE Little Children
0855 追凶双雄 TITLE Seraphim Falls
0860 硫磺岛的来信 Iou Jima kara no tegamiRed Sun, Black Sand
0863 六天七夜 Six Days Seven Nights
0864 王者之心 Tristan & Isolde
0866 蛇眼 Snake Eyes
0867 生于七月四日 Born on the Fourth of July
0868 时光机器 The Time Machine
0871 两生花 The Double Life Of Veronica
0877 再造人之恋 I’m A Cyborg But That’s OK!
0878 保险套人 On ne devrait pas exister
0889 情枭的黎明前传 Carlito's Way: The Beginning
0892 律政俏佳人1 Legally Blonde
0893 律政俏佳人2 Legally Blonde 2
0894 耶稣 Jesus
0895 憨豆先生的假期 Mr. Bean's Holiday
0897 史诗大电影 EPIC MOVIE
0898 现代罗密欧与茱丽叶 Romeo + Juliet
0899 战争之王 Lord of War
0900 8英里 8 Mile
0905 亚瑟和他的迷你王国 Art ur and the Invisibls
0906 鬼讯号2 White Noise 2:The Light
0907 我的爱无厘头 100 Days with Mr.Arrogant
0908 美色弥漫 Hip-Hop Honeys Las Vegas
0909 情人奴奴 Loulou
0913 07隐形战机 07 ls changing course
0914 终棘警探 Hot Fuzz
0916 盛夏光年 Eternal Summer
0917 红菱艳 The Red Shoes
0918 未来战士1 The Terminator 1
0919 忍 Shinobi
0920 野鹅敢死队 The Wild Geese
0921 小姐好白 White Chicks
0922 赛末点 Match Point
0923 我的父亲母亲 Wo de fu qin mu qin
0924 大鱼 Big Fish
0925 女狼俱乐部 Coyote Ugly
0927 艳舞女郎 Showgirls
0928 辣妈辣妹 Freaky Friday
0929 毁灭战士 Doom
0930 英国广告杂志8 SHOTS 8
0932 300斯巴达勇士 The 300 Spartans
0934 禁忌的神话(成人版) Forbidden Tales
0936 天地无伦 Ken Park
0937 40周年纪念篇(上下)成人版 
0938 埃及艳后(成人版) 
0939 墨西哥往事(成人版) 
0940 加勒比海盗(成人版) 
0941 英雄 Ying xiong
0942 十面埋伏 Shi mian mai fu
0943 意志的胜利 Triumph des Willens
0944 天下无贼 Tian xia wu zei
0945 杀破狼 S.P.L.
0947 壮志男儿 We are marshall
0948 维纳斯/末路爱神 Venus
0951 仙履奇缘3 Cinderella III: A Twist in Time
0952 憨豆先生的大灾难 Bean
0954 赏金车手(宝马车广告) THE HIRE
0956 老鹰乐队:冰封地狱 HELL FREEZES OVER
0957 蜘蛛侠1 Spider-Man
0958 鬼作秀3 Creepshow 3
0959 背叛 Trahison La
0960 阿富汗骑兵 Afghan Knights
0961 君主的仆人 sluge gosudarev
0962 鬼使神差 The Messengers
0963 柏林迷宫 The Good German
0964 英国广告杂志9 SHOTS 9
0965 蝴蝶(港版) Hu die(Hong Kong)
0966 泰国大盗/泰国神偷 Thai Thief
0967 复仇女杀手 Rosario Tijeras
0968 与她在一起 Alone With Her
0969 人间兵器2 Paragraf 78
0971 红雪初临 First Snow
0973 燃情岁月 Legends of the Fall
0980 国家密码 Fay Grim
0982 中天 Jungcheon
0983 掘金三王 Without a Paddle
0993 灵石会议 Concile de Pierre Le
0994 蒙面大侠 High Way-Star
0995 空军一号 Air Force One
0997 装甲之身又名:防弹胄甲 Body Armour
0999 金刚 King Kong
1003 作法自毙 A Crime
1004 玩具总动员2 Toy Story 2
1005 借刀杀人 Collateral
1006 空中监狱 Con Air
1007 朋友 Chingoo
1100 成名在望 Almost Famous
1102 血海无涯 Sea Without Exit
1103 我老婆是巨无霸 Norbit
1104 洛城机密 LA Confidential
1105 盗亦有道 Goodfellas
1106 蜘蛛侠2 Spider-Man2
1107 青年近卫军 The Young Guards
1108 贼对贼 The Hard Easy
1109 末代教父1-3 The Last Don1-3
1110 暗堡三恶 Three Bad Men
1111 连环大盗 Konservi
1112 恐怖货轮 Cargo
1113 英国广告杂志10 SHOTS  10
1114 英国广告杂志11 SHOTS  11
1115 大红灯笼高高挂 Raise the Red Lantern
1116 光荣岁月 Days of Glory
1117 罗宾汉(迪斯尼) Robin Hood
1118 有话好好说 You hua hao hao shuo
1119 预言 Premonition
1120 冰原阻击 Cover
1121 马江宾馆 Magan Hotel
1122 美国往事:我们的星条旗 American Pastime
1124 杀手泰寿 Device
1125 三剑客新传 the 4 musketeers
1126 禁欲 The Magdalene Sisters
1127 元凶毕露 Primeval
1129 恶梦侦探 Nightmare Detective
1130 极速暴徒 Distor tion
1131 手足情未了 Rain Man
1133 完美陌生人 Perfect Stranger
1140 越狱二人组 Big Bang
1141 简爱 Jane Eyre
1142 初恋50次 50 First Dates
1143 蚁哥正传 Antz
1144 大力士 Hercules
1145 小鬼当家 Home Alone
1146 小鬼当家2 Home Alone 2
1147 小鬼当家3 Home Alone 3
1148 真爱至上 Love Actually
1149 电脑动画圣经杂志1 Stash 3p ack 1
1150 电脑动画圣经杂志2 Stash 3p ack 2
1151 甘地传(2D5) Gandhi
1152 英国广告杂志12 SHOTS 12
1154 武士的一分 Love and Honor
1155 苏州河 Suzhou River
1156 针孔旅社 Vacancy
1159 完美盗贼 Bandits
1160 幽灵剧院 Midnight Ballad for Ghost Theater
1161 狙击职业杀手 The Jackal
1162 火柴男人 Matchstick Men
1163 空房子 Bin-jip
1164 大佬 Brother
1166 沉默猎杀 Ne le dis a personne
1167 雷诺911又名:迈阿密疯云 Reno 911!: Miami
1168 X战警(成人版) 
1169 古墓丽影(成人版) 
1171 奸情 Monamour
1172 红磨坊(成人版) 
1173 美人 Mi in
1174 前世恶魔 Demons from Her Past
1175 西部红石镇 Red Rock West
1176 离开拉斯维加斯 Leaving Las Vegas
1177 天气预报员 The Weather Man
1178 男人们的大和 AMATO
1179 通天小子之寻找宝石 Romancing the Stone
1180 通天小子之尼罗河宝石 Jewel of the Nile, The
1182 魂断蓝桥 Waterloo Bridge
1183 电脑动画圣经杂志3 Stash 3p ack 3
1184 时空 chronos
1188 一番街的奇迹 1Beonga-ui gijeok
1189 太阳浩劫 Sunshine
1190 火龙军警 Fire Serpent
1191 一球成名2 Goal 2
1192 黑蛇呻吟 Black Snake Moan
1193 隔山有眼2 The Hills Have Eyes 2
1194 狙击生死线 Shooter
1195 人性与面具 Behind The Mask
1196 战争的伤口 Otets
1197 农民宇航员 The Astronaut Farmer
1198 美丽星期天 Beautiful Sunday
1201 娜娜2 NANA2
1202 生死战书 Living & Dying
1203 小飞象 Dumbo
1204 狐狸与猎犬 The Fox and the Hound
1205 狐狸与猎犬2 The Fox and the Hound2
1206 美人鱼2:重返大海 The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea
1207 怪物史莱克2 Shrek 2
1208 情定巴黎 French Kiss
1209 耀眼的日子 Shiny Day
1210 报应 The Reaping
1211 加州之梦 California Dreaming
1214 变形金刚真人版前传:变机形体 Transformers
1215 情欲千里难别天 going under
1216 剿灭魔鹰巢 Xpohnka
1217 双面娇娃 Good Girl Bad Girl
1218 魔力玩具盒 The Last Mimzy
1219 地球风暴 Earthstorm
1220 克莱默夫妇 Kramer vs. Kramer
1221 反恐特警组 S.W.A.T.
1222 死亡彼端 The other side
1223 人类灭绝研究所 DAY-X
1224 疯狂木乃伊 Mummy Maniac
1225 反恐怖精英 Pandemic 
1226 杀手组合 Brutal Lncasso
1227 英国广告杂志14 SHOTS 14
1228 变相怪杰 The Mask
1229 征服者 Pathfinder
1230 剑鱼行动 Swordfish
1231 我的野蛮女友 My Sassy Girl
0657 搏击会 Fight Club
0365 盗火线 Heat
0149 风之谷 Kaze no tani no Naushika
0277 大门 The Doors
0411 卢旺达饭店 Hotel Rwanda
0470 达芬奇密码 The Da Vinci Code
0067 漫长的婚约 Un long dimanche de fiancailles 
0775 幸福终点站/航站奇缘/机场客运站/爱你无国界/单程机票 The Terminal
0246 家有仙妻/神仙家庭/神仙俏女巫 Bewitched
0068 新海神号历险记 Poseidon
0117 拜见岳父大人 Meet the Parents
0118 拜见岳父大人2 Meet the Fockers
0013 她比烟花寂寞 Hilary and Jackie
0595 小马王 Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
0344 花之蛇1 Hana to hebi 1
0159 窈窕淑女 My Fair Lady
0769 敢爱就来/两小无猜 Jeux d'enfants
1213 风月俏佳人/漂亮女人 Pretty Woman
0392 北非谍影 Casablanca
0499 哈利波特与火焰杯(4) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
1185 英国广告杂志13 SHOTS 13
0803 春去春又来 Bom yeoreum gaeul gyeoul geurigo bom
0496 史密斯夫妇(加长版) Mr. & Mrs. Smith
0915 出水芙蓉 Bathing Beauty
0803 春去春又来 Bom yeoreum gaeul gyeoul geurigo bom
0350 再见列宁 Good Bye Lenin!
0015 蝴蝶(法版) Le Papillon
0496 史密斯夫妇 Mr. & Mrs. Smith
1185 英国广告杂志13 SHOTS 13
0499 哈利波特4与火焰杯 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
1170 情欲九歌 9 Songs
0953 魅惑时尚1-3 Fashion Uncensored1-3
1232 骷髅游戏又名:你说我说 Simon Says
1234 虎胆龙威4 Live Free or Die Hard
1235 辣妹俏警花 Hac he aorohnllib
1236 战火集结 JOY DIVISION
1237 地海传奇 Tales from Earthsea
1238 小鸡快跑 Chicken Run
1239 极乐岛杀人事件 paradise
1240 无法阻挡的婚姻 unstoppable marriage
1241 蜘蛛侠3 spider man 3
1242 泳池娇娃 the big bad swim
1243 英国广告杂志15 SHOTS 15
1244 电脑动画圣经杂志4 Stash 3p ack 4
1245 电脑动画圣经杂志5 Stash 3p ack 5
1246 小鬼当家4 home alone: taking back the house
1247 杀人十二宫 Zodiac
1248 灵数23 The Number 23
1249 神奇四侠2 Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer
1250 怪侠多罗罗 Dororo
1251 性工作者十日谈 Whispers and Moans
1252 女人领地 In the Land of Women
1253 布鲁克斯先生 Mr. Brooks
1254 冒牌天神2 Evan Almighty
1255 忍者神龟 TMNT
0617 加菲猫2 Garfield’s a tail of two kitties
1256 后窗惊魂 Disturbia
1257 消防犬 Firehouse Dog
1258 马克白 Macbeth
1259 巴比伦五号:失落的传说 Babylon 5: The Lost Tales
1260 冲浪企鹅 Surf's Up
1261 BJ单身日记 Bridget Jones's Diary
1262 BJ单身日记2 Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason
0069 菊次郎之夏 Kikujiro No Natsu
0861 K歌情人 Music and Lyrics
0896 街舞少年 Stomp the Yard
0262 三十姑娘一朵花 13 going on 30
0359 埃及王子 The Prince of Egypt
0628 剪刀手爱德华 Edward Scissorhands
1263 惊骑之旅 Wild Hogs
1264 变形金刚大电影(动画,20周年纪念版) Transformers TheMovie
1265 牯岭街少年杀人事件(上下) A Brighter Summer Day
1266 鬼马军营搞怪兵 DMB
1267 史酷比 Scooby Doo
1268 史酷比2 Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed
1269 电脑动画圣经杂志6 Stash 3p ack 6
1270 电脑动画圣经杂志7 Stash 3p ack 7
1271 战场空间 Battlespace
1272 憨豆的黄金周 Mr. Bean's Holiday
1273 波弗特 Beaufort
1274 破绽 Fracture
0996 2006奥斯卡获奖短片 Short films
0470 达芬奇密码 The Da Vinci Code
0204 猜火车 Trainspotting
0328 风语者 Windtalkers
0594 偷心 Closer
0060 天空之城 Tenkû no shiro Rapyuta
0299 怪物史莱克 Shrek
1275 边城小镇 Bordertown
1277 西北偏北 North by Northwest
1278 惊变28周 28 Weeks Later
1279 哆啦A梦之大雄的恐龙 Doraemon the movie2006
0074 原罪 Original Sin
0360 寻找梦幻岛 Finding Neverland
0109 惊变28天 28 Days Later
1181 甜心辣舞 Honey
1280 珍宝岛 L' Ile aux Tresors
1153 关键下一秒 Next
1181 甜心辣舞 Honey
0109 惊变28天 28 Days Later
0152 古城之迷 Lupin III Cagliostros Castle
0584 勇敢的心(惊世未了缘) Braveheart
0642 两杆大烟枪 Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
0410 东方快车谋杀案 Murder on the Orient Express
0074 原罪 Original Sin
1281 十三罗汉 Ocean's Thirteen
1282 英国广告杂志16 SHOTS 16
1283 英国广告杂志17 SHOTS 17
1284 苍狼:直至天涯海角 The Blue Wolf
1285 的士速递4 Taxi 4
1286 太阳浩劫 Sunshine
0640 大停电之夜 Daiteiden no yoru ni
1287 儿女一箩筐 Cheaper by the Dozen
1288 儿女一箩筐2 Cheaper by the Dozen 2
1289 疯狂金龟车 Herbie: Fully Loaded
1290 银河系漫游指南 Galaxy
0946 金甲部队(全金属部队) Full Metal Jacket
1291 8厘米2 8MM 2
1292 我野蛮女老师2 Donggab2
1293 狂野时速 Redline
1294 初出茅庐:传奇导演电影处女作 REEL TALENT
0417 西班牙女佣 Spanglish
0640 大停电之夜 Daiteiden no yoru ni
0454 断臂山 Brokeback Mountain
1295 爱上红可人 Lubov Morkov
1296 木兰花 Magnolia
1297 哈利波特5 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
1298 玫瑰人生 La Vie En Rose
1299 中南海保镖 Zhong Nan Hai bao biao
1300 最长的一码 The Longest Yard
0668 梦 Dream
0414 大河恋 A River Runs Through It
0072 两只老虎 Two Brothers
0669 乳房与月亮 Teta y la luna, La
0103 千年之恋 Genji: A Thousand-Year Love
0102 蝎子王 The Scorpion King
0122 花与爱丽丝 Hana to Alice
0498 触不到的恋人(美) The Lake House
0650 导盲犬小Q Quill
0455 一树梨花压海棠 Lolita
0456 范海辛 Van Helsing
0519 骄阳似我 Good Will Hunting
1301 天堂口 Blood Brothers
1302 死亡同学会 Dead Mary
1303 风杀又名:断魂谷 Wind Chill
1304 密阳 Secret Sunshine
1305 2007新活死人之夜 Night Of The Living Dead
1306 蝎子拳王 Scorpion
1307 第三次视线 If You Were Me
1308 神勇奶爸 The Pacifier
1309 连体阴 Alone

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[此贴子已经被作者于2007-8-28 15:40:19编辑过]

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