Possessions 07.12.28
Packrat practical clutter useful felt need
Thrifty valuable greedy most prized impulse buying
1. What is one possession that you cannot live without? Are you a packrat?
2. Name some things which money cannot buy. Do you feel these are more valuable or less valuable then your possessions?
3. What is your most prized possession? Why is it so important to you?
4. Have you ever bought something that you don’t need or don’t use?
5. Have you ever bought something that made you happy? If yes, give an example. Does this happiness last?
6. When you choose to buy something, what do you think about?
地点:泉州新起点语言培训中心 费用:一人五元
(泉州市涂门街鲤城大厦408 肯德基对面,集集小镇楼上)
2007/12/30 泉州书城免费英语角(两周一次)
The Definition of a Good Job 2007/12/30
Job satisfaction abilities benefits professional
Security full-time manager occupation
1. What is more important, pay or job satisfaction?
2. Is it possible to get a good job without education?
3. What is job security and how important is it to you?
4. What defines a good boss?
5. If you could work any occupation, which one would you choose?
6. What are job benefits? Which ones would you need?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-12-26 16:10:15编辑过]