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等级:新手上路 帖子:22 积分:1100 注册:2008/3/6 17:30:00
威戈电脑包来了  发帖心情 发表于:2008/3/22 23:50:00 [只看该作者]



 SWISSGEAR源于世界知名的顶尖品牌SWISSARMY,在第二次世界大战中,SWISSARMY为美国军方提供性能卓越的刀具而名扬全球。随着受众认可度的逐渐提升,SWISSARMY开始涉足箱包行业,创立SWISS GEAR品牌。2000年以后,正式向美国市场进军,随后进入英国、澳大利亚、加拿大、德国、智利等,逐步在世界范围内销售,现已在全球范围内开拓市场,并拥有一大批忠实消费者。    

  The SWISSGEAR brand was launched in 2002 to reach a younger, more casual lifestyle consumer who understands the power and heritage of the Swiss Army Knife.(军刀品牌于2002年上市,主要面向年轻、休闲的消费群体,他们能够理解军刀的魅力与文化。)

    · Classic, high quality products with engineering beyond expectations(一流品质、时尚经典)
    · Enhanced features and functionality(强大的功能)
    · Versatility and innovation(兼容性强,别具一格)
    · Value and accessibility(超高性价比)

        Brand Position(品牌定位)

      Crafted for everyday life.(精彩每一天)
    · Casual(休闲)
    · Sporty(运动)
    · Functional(多功能)
    · Quality(高质量)
    · Affordable(实惠)

        Brand Scope(品牌理念)

        A portfolio of products that relate to the core equities of the cross and the Wenger Swiss Army Knife heritage(公文包的优秀品质与军刀文化精髓完美吻合)

        Multiple channel distribution strategy, consumers will be able to find “cross” brands offering products that deliver the benefits and features they want, need and expect from the Maker of the Genuine Swiss Army Knife.(多渠道的分散经营战略使”+”无处不在,真正走向终端受众,亦体现出军刀品牌为满足顾客对产品的各种需求及保障顾客利益做出的不懈努力.)

        Product Positioning(产品定位)  

        A collection of products that provide consumers with “everyday tools” that reflect their changing lifestyle needs and enable them to tackle the demands of everyday life in new and creative ways – whether at home, at work, or at play.(产品的系列化使其成为顾客日常生活的好帮手,可以帮助顾客从容应对不断变化的环境及创新机率更为频繁的社会生活需求—不管是家庭、工作还是娱乐需求)

    · Core items in all major product categories within a market vs. single category dominance.(从众多优质产品中脱颖而出的核心产品VS单一的主打产品)
    · Clear design elements and signature features that unify the collection(系列化产品集稳重的设计、一流的品质于一体)
    · Strong cross-merchandising/marketing to encourage multiple-category purchases multiple-category purchases(多样化的营销渠道带来多类别的采购)

        Core Attributes(核心属性) 

       Innovative in Style and Functionality(风格与功能上的创新)
    · Multi-functional: designed to use in a variety of ways – work, play, home(功能多样:适用于多种场合—工作、休闲、居家)
    · Lifestyle current: uses new technology, fabrics, constructions to deliver more of what the consumer today needs: convenience, safety, practical functionality, value, classic design(生活潮流:采用最新的技术、面料及结构设计,体现了当代消费者的全面需求:便利、安全、实用、高质量、完美设计)

       Easy to Use Everyday(使用方便)
    · Offers multiple features and benefits(功能多样,操作简单)
    · Provides real-world product education(方便实用)

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