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主题:丹麦原厂SYSTEM AUDIO 1070 HIEND级音箱

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丹麦原厂SYSTEM AUDIO 1070 HIEND级音箱  发帖心情 发表于:2008/11/19 23:47:00 [只看该作者]


与众不同的音响之路-丹麦System Audio

丹麦虽小,却是Hi End音响的重镇,从单体、喇叭、扩大机、线材等等,知名Hi End品牌多不胜数。不久前由巨礼文化新引进的System Audio(简称SA),在2008年高雄与圆山音响展初试啼声,引起许多迴响。不过新品牌大家比较陌生,于是U-Audio编辑部先行编译整理SA原厂资料。


System Audio创立于1984年,当时的市场背景是大厂当道,但SA虽是初创业的蚊型小厂,却引起音响专业媒体的高度关注,认为SA「树立了喇叭设计的新标准!」但SA创业的第一款喇叭却不是大型喇叭,而是一款瘦高的落地喇叭,尺寸虽不大,却能发出庞大的音乐规模,其独特的设计开创了喇叭设计的新方向。


System Audio于1984年推出的第一对落地喇叭。

SA的创立者Ole Witthoft从1984年开始一直掌握着设计大权,他自己也玩音乐,所以他对音乐重播该是如何,自有一套标准。Ole说:「没有任何喇叭可以重播与现场相提并论的音乐,大部分的喇叭听起来都很乏味,如果你不能听到音乐的细节,或是感受到藏在音乐裡的情感,那都要归咎于喇叭的效果太差。我一直觉得很奇怪,当大家都在比较喇叭的技术规格时,却没有人质疑其实音乐听起来好不好,才是选择喇叭的关键!」

看不惯业界的奇怪逻辑,Ole于是投入喇叭设计。经过几年的努力,1984年SA终于登场。到目前为止,Ole Witthoft依然是SA研发部门(R&D)的主管,为了喇叭研发,SA已经投入数百万元的经费,并组成坚实的研发团队,让SA喇叭可以不断跟着科技研发而进步。


SA的创立者Ole Witthoft。

从原厂网站的代理商资料显示,目前SA喇叭已在全球34个国家销售,主要的消费客群都是爱乐者或电影爱好者,以及专业录音室、电视台和各年龄的音乐演奏家。Ole Witthoft解释道:「我们不仅为专家製作喇叭,每一个人都懂得什麽是好声音,而我们(SA)的目标就是让每一个人都可以听得出来(SA)在声音表现的巨大差异。」


SA并不跟着市场的需求而设计产品,因为整个公司成立时,Ole Witthoft认为喇叭市场并不健全。SA诞生是为了实践理念,所以SA自己设定产品目标,他们并不打算用「技术」来溷淆消费者的视听。对于SA而言,他们相信品质来自于好声音,而且他们也要让SA的喇叭就像是客厅裡的家具一样漂亮又自然。




















(Full Range)

  • Jamo Conert 11: $3600
  • Linn AV 5140: $2595-2795
  • Magneplaner MG1.6 QR: $1475 $$$
  • NHT 2.5i: $1300/ pair $$$
  • Paradigm Reference Studio 100: $1800-2250
  • Professional Monitor Company IB-1S: $4500
  • PSB Stratus Bronze: $1099 $$$
  • SystemAudio1070: $2500
  • Thiel CS.5:$1450/pair *
  • Triangle Electroacoustique Zephyr II: $1195
  • Vandersteen 2Ce: $1295/pair $$$ * (stands optional)


Review 1 of 9

Price Paid: $0.00

I started looking for a replacement for my Infinity Rennesaince 80. I came across these, and took the chance. The second i heard their overwhelming clarity, and sleek bass-reproduction, I was sold.

Very nice looking speaker, with a very good upper range-reproduction, and neet bass. Even though the woofers are only 5" they deliver magnificant sound.

They lack the ability to go below 40hz, therefor, making a subwoofer a must, if you are into action movies, and using the speakers for a home theatre system.

Similar Products Used:
Infinity R80, B&W 306, Dali 3003

Review 2 of 9

Price Paid: $2000.00

I have found these delightful speakers to be a terrific addition to my system - I have driven them with fairly low powered (40-50watt) solid state as well as tube gear and they shine with both. The sound is open, relaxed, full of body and tone, while retaining detail and accuracy. They have a sound that allows me to listen for hours without fatigue.
By spiking the speaker base andaddingballast to the sand chamber, the low end has improved greatly. Doing this made the bass very taut and direct.
They most definitely reveal shortcomings in the front-end equipment, so choose sources wisely.
I highly recommend at the minimum the use of a biwire pair of Nordost Flatline gold (or higher) for your run - it seems to compliment the speakers' natural and neutral "attitude". This is a bargain for the sound.
Overall I believe that these speakers have serious potential to become a 'cult classic'. They have the qualities of far more expensive speakers at a very reasonable price - the sound is amazing and the build quality is bar none.

musicality, tone, wide soundstage, biwire capable, beautiful furniture grade finish

very low bass requires augmenting with a sub

Similar Products Used:
Spendor sp1/2, Spendor sp 9/1, JM Reynaud

Review 3 of 9

When I started to look for a replacement for my Cerwin Vega VS10 speakers, it was because I wanted more precise bass reproduction and more details in the mid and hig range. Besides the sound demands I was loking for a nicely designed product. I listened to speakers from Dali, Jamo, F3, Snell and System Audio. All brands had a nice wodden veneer cabinet, and were quite tall speakers. The choice was System Audio 1070 in rosewood veneer. These are wery good looking, and gives an excelent sound reproduction for the price. Snell, F3 and Dali were the biggest competitors but their price were higher without giving a better perfomance.
System Audio uses two small 5" Bass/Midrange speaker and a 1" Soft dome Highrange speaker in a D'Appolito configuration. The cabinet is seperated in 4 chambers, where the lower one is for sand damping, the other chambers is one for the crossover network and one for each of the Bass/Midrange speakers.
The sound is crystal clear, with a lot of details in the whole frequense spectre. The Bass reproduction is the best I have ever heard, very fast. These Bass speaker can start and stop much quiker than other speakers due to the low weight of the membranes. The stereo perspective is high class, it is very easy to hear where the singer is placed on the stage. They are very musical, you wanna hear the whole record collection over and over again. However they demand good audiocomponents, and sound best if they are connected with heavy speaker cables in bi-wiring or maybe even better bi-amping.

Frequense reponse: 42-25.000Hz+-1,5Db
Impedanse : 4 Ohms.
Sensetivity : 92 Db (1 Watts, 1 mtr.)
Power rating : 170 Watts Sinus.

I recomend these speakers for all persons, who dislikes the "booming" bass reproduction from most speakers. People who thinks big speakers are ogly should have a look at these speakers, the might just like what they see (and hear!). The speakers have no preferences in musical styles, I play Jazz, Classic, Rock and Pop on my system. They are also great as front speakers in a souround system, where the clarity in the mid range gives a better expirience.

Clear sound, with great dynamics. Tight and precise bass reproduction. Great look. Chamber for sand damping.

The bass below 40 Hz lacks authority.

Similar Products Used:
Cerwin Vega, B&O, Akai, Dantax.

Review 4 of 9

The 1070 is a sleek 2-way design, with i beautiful design. It's main drivers are two 5-inch units, with an impressive speed. The 1070 are not capable of reproducing the very deepest bass, but the rest is performed in an incredible detailed way. The midrange and treble is perfectly integrated. The result is a very neutral sound, and a big precise soundstage. The 1070 like to play a little forward, which results in a very entertaining performance.
1070 has a bottom-chamber made for sand-damping. After filling it the sound becomes even faster, and the bass more detailed.
Now im working on matching them with a better amp than my old Luxman-combo.

Speed, "clear" sound. Very detailed bass.

Lacks the deepest bass (under 40 Hz). Limited SPL.

Similar Products Used:
Dynaudio Audience 5, F3 Audiovector C2. Some home-built projects.

Review 5 of 9

I had been admiring System Audio speakers at both the 1996 and 1998 Stereophile shows. But found them difficult to find. Now they have opened up more dealers. The 1070s are a great choice. The $2,499 price may seem a little steep at first. That is until you hear them and realize that these Denmark beauties are in the same class as the even pricy Sonus Fabers and Pro Acs. They are accurate on all types of music. Plus the speed and dynamics will knock you out! Their 40-25,000 Hz frequency response rating is given at tight 1.5 db points, not the much wider and easier to obtain 3db used by most all other manufacturers. They certainly play low enough for 99% of the music. An easy five stars.









System Audio speakers since 1984.






System Audio Match 0.5 compact speaker 1984 – 1986

System Audio Match 1 compact speaker 1984 – 1986

System Audio Match 2 floor stander 1984 – 1986

System Audio Match 4 floor stander 1984 – 1986

System Audio Prestige 2 floor stander 1985 – 1987

System Audio 1 compact speaker 1986 - 1987

System Audio 2 floor stander 1986 – 1987

System Audio 3 floor stander 1986 – 1987


System Audio 4 floor stander 1986 – 1987

System Audio A compact speaker 1987 – 1989



System Audio Match 2floor stander 1984 – 1986

System Audio B floor stander 1987 – 1989

System Audio C floor stander 1987 – 1989

System Audio D floor stander 1987 – 1989

System Audio Caxixi floor stander 1987 – 1990

System Audio Taurussubwoofer for Caxixi 1987 – 1990

System Audio A1 compact speaker 1989 - 1991

System Audio A2 compact speaker 1989 – 1991

System Audio B1 floor stander 1989 – 1991

System Audio B2 floor stander 1989 – 1991

System Audio C2 floor stander 1989 – 1991

System Audio D2 floor stander 1989 – 1990



System Audio SubElectro 100active subwoofer 1999 – 2001  


System Audio SCALA floor stander 1989 – 1990

System Audio A2Ssubwoofer 1989 – 1991

System Audio B2Ssubwoofer 1989 – 1991

System Audio C2Ssubwoofer 1989 – 1991

System Audio D2 mk2 floor stander 1990 – 1991

System Audio AX1 compact speaker 1991 - 1993

System Audio BX1 floor stander 1991 – 1993

System Audio CX1 compact speaker 1991 – 1993

System Audio BX2 floor stander 1991 – 1993

System Audio CX2 floor stander 1991 – 1993

System Audio DX2 floor stander 1991 – 1993

System Audio Monitor 7707 floor stander 1991 – 1994

System Audio Monitor 8808 floor stander 1991 – 1994

KRAMER NOVA compact speaker 1991 – 1992




System Audio 3070floor stander 1998 – 2001 

KRAMER NIRA compact speaker 1991 – 1992

KRAMER AURA floor stander 1991 – 1992

KRAMER KARMA floor stander 1991 – 1992

KRAMER MINIMA compact speaker 1992 – 1994

KRAMER NOVA mk2 compact speaker 1992 – 1994

KRAMER ULTRA floor stander 1992 – 1994

KRAMER SIGMA compact speaker 1992 – 1994

KRAMER AURA mk2 floor stander 1992 – 1994

KRAMER ULTIMA floor stander 1993

KRAMER KONTRAsubwoofer 1992 – 1994

System Audio 905 compact speaker 1993 – 1995

System Audio 910 compact speaker 1993 – 1995

System Audio 930 floor stander 1993 – 1995

System Audio 950 floor stander 1993 – 1995

System Audio 5010 signature compact speaker 1994 – 1998




System Audio 1130floor stander 1997 – 2000

KRAMER 205 compact speaker 1995 – 1997

KRAMER 211 compact speaker 1995 – 1997

KRAMER 231 floor stander 1995 – 1997

KRAMER 251 floor stander 1995 – 1997

System Audio 1000 AV center channel 1995 – 2000

System Audio 1005 compact speaker 1995 – 1997

System Audio 1010 compact speaker 1995 – 1997

System Audio 1030 floor stander 1995 – 1997

System Audio 1050 floor stander 1995 – 1998

System Audio 2010 compact speaker 1995 – 1997

System Audio 2050 floor stander 1995 – 1997

System Audio 1070 floor stander 1996 – 1999

System Audio 1100 AV center channel 1997 – 1999

System Audio Euro compact speaker 1997 – 1998

System Audio 1105 compact speaker 1997 – 2000




System Audio SA210compact speaker 2000 – 2003 

System Audio 1110 compact speaker 1997 – 2000

System Audio 1130 floor stander 1997 – 2000

System Audio 1150 floor stander 1997 – 2000

System Audio 2070 floor stander 1998 – 2001

System Audio 3070 floor stander 1998 – 2001

System Audio 1101 compact speaker 1998 – 2000

System Audio Zeus floor stander 1998 –1999

System Audio SubElectro 100 active subwoofer 1999 – 2001

System Audio 99 floor stander 1999 – 1999

System Audio 1100 AVX center channel 1999 – 2000


FS1 floor stand 2000 – 2007


WB1 wall bracket 2000 –


CB1 ceiling bracket 2000 –

System Audio 70 AV center channel 2000 – 2003

System Audio 1270 floor stander 1999 – 2002

System Audio SA205 compact speaker 2000 – 2003

System Audio SA208 compact speaker 2000 – 2003


 System Audio SA208AV compact speaker 2000 – 2003



System Audio 70 AVcenter channel 2000 – 2003

System Audio SA210 compact speaker 2000 – 2003


 System Audio SA210AV compact speaker 2000 – 2003 

System Audio SA1230 floor stander 2000 – 2003

System Audio SA1250 floor stander 2000 – 2003

System Audio SA2K compact speaker 2001 - 2005


FS2K floor stand 2001 – 2007

System Audio SubElectro 50 active subwoofer 2001 - 2003

System Audio SA1280 floor stander 2002 - 2007

System Audio SA220AV compact speaker 2002 - 2003

System Audio SA7K floor stander 2002 -

SA7K master floor stander 2003 -

SA2K master compact speaker 2003 -

SubElectro 175 active subwoofer 2003 -

SubElectro 200 active subwoofer 2003 -

SA505 compact speaker 2003 -

SA510 compact speaker 2003 -

SA520 compact speaker 2003 -

SA705 compact speaker 2003 -

SA710 compact speaker 2003 -

SA720 compact speaker 2003 -

SA1530 floor stander 2003 -

SA1550 floor stander 2003 -


SA1730 floor stander 2003 -

SA1750 floor stander 2003 -

SA510AV center channel 2003 -

SA520AV center channel 2003 -

SA710AV center channel 2003 -

SA720AV center channel 2003 -

SA talent compact speaker 2005 -

SA talent center channel 2005 -

SA explorer floor stander 2005 -

SA exactcompact speaker 2006 -

SA rangerfloor stander 2006 -

SA cometcompact speaker 2007 -

TS1 tablestand 2007 -

FS3 floor stand 2008 -

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13592871701 小佘 QQ:409556344


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  发帖心情 发表于:2008/11/20 9:57:00 [只看该作者]

谢谢 楼上兄弟帮顶

13592871701 小佘 QQ:409556344


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  发帖心情 发表于:2008/11/20 10:00:00 [只看该作者]

箱子是志航电业代理的 请见一下地址:http://www.system-audio.dk/_da-DK/content/Data/press/Engelsk/SA1070,%202070,%203070.%20SA1100,%201105,%201110,%201130,%201150%20Big%20Sound%20Technology%20English.pdf

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  发帖心情 发表于:2008/11/20 11:32:00 [只看该作者]



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  发帖心情 发表于:2008/11/20 13:36:00 [只看该作者]


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  发帖心情 发表于:2008/11/20 15:45:00 [只看该作者]

呵呵 上面也有中文的介绍的

13592871701 小佘 QQ:409556344


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  发帖心情 发表于:2008/11/20 15:47:00 [只看该作者]

以下是引用princevita在2008-11-20 13:36:00的发言:

已经PM了 请见短信

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  发帖心情 发表于:2008/11/20 21:14:00 [只看该作者]

顶上去 顶给有需要的人看看

13592871701 小佘 QQ:409556344


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等级:见习E友 帖子:93 积分:735 注册:2006/4/17 15:02:00
  发帖心情 发表于:2008/11/20 23:34:00 [只看该作者]


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  发帖心情 发表于:2008/11/21 14:51:00 [只看该作者]

以下是引用microrock在2008-11-20 23:34:00的发言:

你好 已经PM请看短信

13592871701 小佘 QQ:409556344


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