




由中醫師黎瑞芬先生(字 玉書)始創之瑞芬氏廣嗣露。黎瑞芬先生年青即致力於本草研究,窮數十年之心血鑽研,並以其獨特配方及多種天然芳草精製而成之廣嗣露。因為這個獨特配方,他早已在中國廣州把這產品註冊登記。在1923年,黎中醫師開創自己的香港公司,"瑞芬氏藥行"。從此,他就開始了製作及監製生產中成藥去幫助有需要的病人。
廣嗣露之靈效,無遠弗屆,很快便在全球華人市場風行起來,並且日漸受到外國人注意,現已拓展至國際市場。本產品在世界各國都有不同之別名,例如在英美被稱為CHINABRUSH,而在南美等地則稱為TINACHINA。取這些別名之理由,是因其獨特裝璜及樽內的棉花掃。其後,為了應付不法之徒仿冒之假貨,於是在本產品外觀上再加上了創辦人黎瑞芬先生之肖像以之識別,因而又被稱之為OLD MAN。然而,這些稱號都並非本產品之正確名稱。而且,本產品的包裝是不會印上這些名稱的,本產品的包裝只會印上正確名稱為"瑞芬氏廣嗣露",並以此謹記黎瑞芬先生始創本產品的原意。
今天,瑞芬氏廣嗣露已是家傳戶曉之男性恩物,並且行銷南北美洲、英、法、意、德、非洲以及亞洲等地,廣為大眾推崇使用。經過曆年來的研究和創新,瑞芬氏藥行的產品已超過十多種。例如,保健產品有: 肝腎之保; 美麗提升; 降脂之王; 肺必清; 鼻敏速消; 舒肌康; 益腦健; 降脂瘦麗茶。外用產品有: 瑞芬氏生髮露; 瑞芬氏關節藥露; 回陽玉龍膏(加味)。中成藥產品有: 萬毒無畀寶。因為現代的社會是男女平等,所以本公司也為女士們研究出有效配方,能夠助她們的需要。
注意:用前轻轻摇晃,效果显著 不可多涂 正常小涂2下足矣 避免造成做累了还射不出哦
【地 址】: 香港柴湾新业街6号安力工业中心15字楼11室
【电 话】:852-25723382
【传 真】:852-28384729
【网 址】:http://www.suifans.com.hk
Our founder, Dr. Lai Sui Fan (Yuk She), had developed the amazing formula of SUIFAN'S KWANG TZE SOLUTION inthe late Ching Dynasty. During the time of his youth in GhongZhou, China, Dr. Lai devoted himself entirely into the study of plants and herbs; and after spending several decades of hard working and research, he had successfully developed the Kwang Tze Solution that is a unique formula combined with the used of several natural herbaceous plants. Because of his unique development, he, therefore, had registered this amazing product in China. In 1923, he had established his company, "Suifan's Medicine Company" in Hong Kong, and begun his business in manufacturing of the chinese herbal medicines
The name Kwang Tze in Chinese literally means the proliferation of offspring. During the turn of the century in the 20s, most Chinese people still believed in the concept of extensive family, and to have more children, particularly if the newborn was a male was very important to carry on their line of descendents. Unfortunately, due to many unfavourable reasons such as old age, work pressure and hypertension, many men could not enjoy a satisfactory sex life. Launching into the
market at this time, Dr Lai's Kwang Tze Solution has fulfilled many Oriental men's desires.
The magnificent effects of Kwang Tze Solution soon spread to the overseas Chinese communities, and eventually aroused the attention of foreigners as well. Nowadays, it has already penetrated into the international market as a product that adds another dimension in pleasure for lovers. Because Kwang Tze is enjoyed by all users, people from different countries gave a different name that they recognize. For instance, in Britain and USA it is called "CHINABRUSH" and in South America it is named as "TINA CHINA". These names are given because of its special packing that has a small cotton brush provided inside the bottle. Later on, in order to fight against the illegal copied product, a picture of Dr Lai was put on the outer box to differentiate it from the fake one. Therefore, the people in U.S.A. now renamed it as "OLD MAN". However, all these are not the proper names of the product and you will never see these names printed on the packing.Our product will only have our original name "SUIFAN'S KWANG TZE SOLUTION" printed on the box as the remembrance of our founder Dr. Lai Sui Fan's original meaning.
Today, SUIFAN'S KWANG TZE SOLUTION is now a well-known product for men. It sells to markets in North and South America, Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Africa and Asia; and it is highly commended and used by many people. Over these decades, our company, SUIFAN'S MEDICINE COMPANY, has developed more than ten kinds of products. For our line of health products, we have: "Guard" (supplement for men); "Beauty Enhancer" (supplement for ladies); "Best Fat Reducer"; "QuickAllergies Remover"; "Muscle Soother"; "Lung Clear-up"; "Brain Beneficial"; "Diet & Beauty Tea". For our line of external use products, we have: "Suifan's Hair Rejuvenating Formula"; Suifan's-Jade Dragon" (for resolving swelling and relieve pain); "Suifan's Kwang Tze Solution" (for relieving pains caused by rheumatic and rheumatoid arthritis). For the line of Chinese herbal medicines, we have: "Suifan's-Antitoxic Capsules". Because man and woman are equal in today'ssociety; therefore, we have developed an unique "Suifan's Kwang Tze Solution" for woman.
On behalf of Suifan's Medicine Company, we would special thanks for all those who have supported and trusted us throughout these years. For our future goal, we are looking forward in developing a formula which can cure the disease of AID

使用方法:提前10-20分钟使用, 先用棉签粘点水,然后在粘点药,然后在涂抹在龟头上面,涂抹均匀,不要触及尿道口。
4:容量2.6ml 量少,但效果极佳。
注意:用前轻轻摇晃,效果显著 不可多涂 正常小刷2下足矣 避免造成做累了还射不出哦
【地 址】: 香港柴湾新业街6号安力工业中心15字楼11室
【电 话】: 852-25723382
【传 真】: 852-28384729
【网 址】: http://www.suifans.com.hk
成份 : 蛇床子,苍术,肉桂,花椒,丁香,白芷,高良姜等。
功能 : 延时、固精止泄。
主治 : 阳痿,早泄。
注意 : 只供外用
【容 量】(2.6毫升/瓶)
【公司名称】: 瑞芬氏药行
联系电话 18960390510 联系QQ 181373566
接受全国各地预定 可货到付款
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