瑞典警方於出事調查完成後, 將這汽/機車清洗乾淨. 然後復原. 將機車意外會發生的狀況陳列出來.
The Honda rider was travelling at such “very high speed“, he’s reaction
time was not sufficient enough to avoid this accident.
本田騎士騎的速度之快. 他的反映時間根本不夠來閃避這意外.
Swedish Police estimate a speed of ~250 KM/h before the bike hit the
slow moving car side on at an intersection.
瑞典警方估計這機車在撞上這通過路口慢速行進的汽車側面時, 其車速應在 250公里/小時.
Helping assist to determine his speed, the predicted reaction time
once the vehicle came into view, wasn’t sufficient enough for him to
even apply the brakes.
車速的測定是在其,一旦看到這汽車在前方, 預測的反映時間根本不夠讓這騎士採取煞車動作.
The car had two passengers and the bike rider was found INSIDE the car.
This graphic demonstration was placed at the Stockholm Motorcycle Fair
by the Swedish Police and Road safety Department.
汽車內的兩名乘員與機車騎士是在車內找到. 瑞典警方與道路安全部門將這血淋淋的示範展示於斯德哥爾摩機車展.
The Volkswagen flipped over from the force of impact and landed 10
feet from where the collision took place. All three involved (two in car
and rider) were killed instantly.
福斯車受撞後翻了一圈, 落在原地三公尺外. 肇事騎士與車內的兩名乘員當場斃命.
The sign above the display also noted that the rider had only recently
obtained his license.

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DERDA 发帖时间: 2005-6-8 16:13:45

