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共4 条记录, 每页显示 15 条, 页签: [1]


51818 发表于:2006/4/2 20:34:00

Abstract: Make it is attracting people's more attention by achievement, development the it in the most important one in economic reform, It makes the economy and society of China change the feature in the past 20 years. But the inadequate natural endowment in the undertaking in once of enterprise run by the local people, how to face one now to develop into the modern enterprise with competition strength and full of vigor further, The question of second phase of development in other words. This text is passed and analyses the developing history of enterprise of my national camp and change of economic environment of now, It draw enterprise run by the local people thus development exist crux place, the historical reason for further strengthening development obstacle who inadequate natural endowment bring the it, Draw the necessity and importance of second phase of development. Second phase of development include: Brands, prestige, large-scale production, manage, change standard and promote five a piece of respect contents structure systems. Proposed in view of the above at last that second phase of development of enterprise run by the local people was in property right, financing way, management style, operator's quality measure in improvement, the forming of corporate culture, internationalization,etc..

小辉 发表于:2006/4/2 21:57:00
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-2 21:59:08编辑过]
中国创造 发表于:2006/4/15 11:28:00
王爷抓去 发表于:2006/5/16 0:20:00
共4 条记录, 每页显示 15 条, 页签: [1]

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